Monday, November 17, 2008

If I Could Stop Time

I'm having a "If I could stop time" moment. Peyton turned 12 and was ordained to a Deacon yesterday. I just can not get over that he is 12. I remember being 12 like it was yesterday. I thought I was soooo big. I wish we could just freeze the clock for a moment and enjoy this age. My mother says that time goes even faster once they turn 12 because every year is a new adventure and something new. I think I am at that stage in my life where I can now say, "This is the perfect time of my life." I'm past the baby years (Brynlee is 3-1/2), but I still have my little girls to cuddle with and they still like to sit on my lap, but I also have my big kids that I can enjoy playing a good game of Skip-Bo or a Wii game and actually have to try to win. It was so fun this summer watching them learn to water ski and get braver every time we went boating.
I finally got to read Pres. Monson's talk from conference that I misses on Sunday morning. The one entitled "Finding Joy in the Journey." I LOVED IT! It is my new goal in life. It was exactly what I needed and will reread it weekly to remind me of the important things. If you haven't read or heard it, READ IT! I had the best weekend because I kept thinking of the things he said and I enjoyed every moment I had with the kids. I didn't even stress over the dumb things. (I am not a patient person.) Actually, I've had a hard time putting the Ensign down this weekend. All the talks were great and I really needed most of them. I think I must be getting old! I enjoy the Ensign??? Maybe I'm finally after 33 years realizing what is important and getting my priorities in order. I have to say that I feel like I am happier than I ever have been in my entire life. Part of that is 'cuz I choose to be, but the other part is 'cuz I know what is important and that doing my best and being the best person I can be really does bring happiness! Wow! I better get off my soap box!!